April 14, 2024

Royaume: Empowering Change, One Collection at a Time

By Sifan Boru

When I was younger, I wanted to be a veterinarian. The idea of caring for animals, being around beings that I love, and ensuring their well-being filled me with joy. However, as life unfolded, so did its challenges. Home struggles and the constant whirlwind of my ADHD mind, intrigued by countless passions, dampened my motivation.

Yet, amidst the chaos, my passion for animal welfare and environmental conservation in Africa remained. The passing of the last Northern male White Rhino struck a chord within me. Thus, the idea for Royaume (pronounced rwah-yohm, meaning Kingdom in French) an endangered African animals' collection was born, aimed at shedding light on climate change issues affecting the peoples and the plight of animals across the continent.

But I wanted this collection to be more than just a symbolic gesture. Rather than sending your money to an organisation never to be heard of again or know what it's being spent on, I wanted to make a tangible difference in our customers' lives by getting them involved on matters that they spend their money on. That's when I discovered African Impact, an organisation dedicated to sustainable development across Africa. Their volunteer programs span various fields:

  • Teaching and childcare 📚
  • Gender equality (with focuses on LGBT rights)
  • Sports coaching
  • Wildlife conservation 🦁
  • Marine conservation 🌊
  • Animal care and veterinary 🐾
  • Wildlife photography 📷
  • Environmental sustainability 🌱

Through the sales of Royuame, I decided to fund opportunities for others to join African Impact's mission. Each purchase will sponsor a customer on a three-week volunteer program of their choice, covering all expenses from accommodation to project-related transport. 

The program fee Qashti will cover includes:

  • Accommodation
  • All meals
  • Airport transfers
  • All project-related transport during your stay
  • All activities and entrance fees as per the workshop itinerary
  • Flights (to your destination and back home)
  • $25USD mandatory donation contribution to African Impact

The fee covered by Qashti excludes: 

  • Travel insurance
  • Visa-related costs
  • Weekend trips or tours
  • Snacks, soft drinks, gifts, and souvenirs

Additionally, a portion of the proceeds would contribute to building an animal shelter in Ethiopia. Street animals, like dogs, are often left to fend for themselves, their population controlled by being fed poisoned meat, a horrible way to die! Establishing a shelter would provide refuge and care for the vulnerable and offer the young African generation a chance to become vets.

This collection isn't just about fulfilling childhood dreams; it's about channeling passion into a shard purpose & vision within our community. It's about recognising the interconnectedness of humanity and the natural world and taking action to preserve it. Through initiatives like African Impact and grassroots efforts, we can make a difference, one step at a time, one animal at a time, one community at a time. We hope each jewel from this collection reminds you of your power to make change happen!

The winner will be announced December 16 2024, follow us on Instagram and tiktok to keep up to date.